Distinctive role of man and woman


Man and woman are equal before Allah and their actions are to be judged by the same yardstick. It, however, does not countenance the modern concept of equality which does not make any distinction in respective fields of their activity. According to the teachings of Islam, the proper sphere of woman’s activity is home while outside world is the domain of the man. This division is not arbitrary but strictly in keeping with the demands of nature to ensure maximum utilisation of their respective capabilities. It seeks to protect the interest of woman and not to discriminate against her, and place her at a disadvantage. The woman, therefore, can play her legitimate role in the task of society-building only by abiding by this natural division of work. History bears testimony to it. By respecting these limits woman in the earlier periods of the Islamic history had risen to great heights and made enormous contributions.

Islam abolished discrimination
Before the advent of Islam and the arrival of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his proclamation of Prophethood, the history of woman was no doubt the history of subjugation and oppression. She was underestimated and condemned as a low and mean creature and was regarded as the root cause of all evils and disasters. Instructions were given to be careful about her and to avoid her like snakes and scorpions. She was bought and sold like animals. She did not enjoy any absolute or independent position in the society and was made subservient to man. She was denied all rights and had to live on the pity and mercy of man. In such a dark period of the history of woman, Islam raised its voice so vehemently that the whole world reverberated with it. It loudly proclaimed:
“O mankind! Reverence Your Guardian Lord, Who created you From a single soul Created, of like nature His mate, and from them twain Scattered (like seeds) Countless men and women: Reverence God, through Whom Ye demand your mutual (rights). And (reverence) the wombs (that bore) for God Ever watches over you.”    (The Qur’an 4:1)
It was the announcement that the discrimination which the world has made between one man and the other is false, absurd and baseless. The whole mankind is the offspring of the single human soul. Originally all have the same descent. No one is noble or mean, or low or high by birth. All are equal and enjoy equal position. Any kind of distinction between them on the grounds of family status, race, colour, tribe, region, language, occupation or nationality is null and void. It was thus a repudiation of the age-old differences and discrimination between man and woman. It brought into light the fact that the very companion of the first man was not of some other kind but belonged to the same species. No different kind of creature was taken for his companionship; rather she was taken from him alone. This first pair gave birth to numerous men and women and among them some or the other kind of relationship existed and thus the whole human generation got spread far and wide. Hence to differentiate and discriminate between man and woman is in fact to differentiate and discriminate between one side of mankind and the other and is the division of the two parts of a single whole. There can be no better elucidation than this for the expression of the equality of man and woman and their equal status.
Islam totally repudiated the notion that man is dignified and honoured merely because he is a man and woman is low and mean simply because she is a woman. Both man and woman are equal in the eyes of Islam. Neither the inferiority of anyone nor superiority of anybody is written down for eternity. Whoever is adorned with faith and fair practice emerged successful here and in the hereafter and whoever is devoid of such qualities fails in this as well as in the eternal world:
“Whoever works righteousness, Man or woman, and has faith, Verily, to him will We give a new life, a life That is good and pure, and We Will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions.”  (The Qur’an 16:97)
Her house is her domain
Islam assigns different spheres of activity for man and woman. The field of work of woman is her own house and of men is the world outside. What the Qur’an instructs the honourable wives of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) holds true for all such women as believe in Allah and His Messenger.
Islam has not barred woman from economic activities, rather it has given permission while imposing on her a few appropriate limitations. Although it is doubtless that her involvement in family affairs affects her economic struggle, Islam offers its own solution to it. Islam has held man legally responsible for the maintenance of his wife and children. Further Islam has not forbidden woman from other activities which stand beyond the household activities. What Islam virtually intends and emphasises in this regard is that a woman is mainly a queen and fore-runner of her house. Hence, she should not bear the outward burden of the work at the risk of her indoor work. She is allowed to participate in the economic struggle with man while performing her role in the family affairs. Furthermore, she can take interest and contribute her abilities in different fields of life while keeping into consideration her condition, social environment and her own interest. History bears witness to the fact that the Muslim women have manifested their abilities, skill and talent in different fields of life and have left a tremendous impact on the age.
The most important thing is, Islam has assigned woman a prominent position at social level. Hence, she can lead an honoured and dignified life without becoming a victim of any inferiority complex. She can, in fact, offer her fullest cooperation to man in building up a chaste and virtuous society while contributing her potentialities and abilities which she possesses.
Rights of Women
The rights of women in Islam are matchless. However, provisions of lawalone cannot run a system – it needs moral values, fear of God and the fear to be accountable and prosecuted hereafter. Islam provides laws as well as moral guidance.
Islam gives much weightage to strengthening the family system – which has been in practice since the age man began living in society and a collective life. The family system strengthens society. If wife and husband, son and parents do not execute their duties and do not respect each other’s rights then whole society will be disturbed. Rights and duties of men and women have been provided focussing this primary objective.

Right to Life
Islam gives right to life to boys and girls, men and women. Boys have as much right to live as girls. When people were burying daughters for fear of starvation in Prophet’s time, Quran condemned them and asked them not to do that. Islam does not allow any unjustified killing except those which are necessary to ensure greater cause of justice. One who gets birth has right to live.

Rights to Upbringing
Islam lays out guidelines for upbringing of children – boys and girls – by the parents.


Right to Education
Islam makes it obligatory for both men and women to get education. It asks them to learn how to live – the concept of basic education in Islam, not the one of modern age which terms writing name and putting signature as basic education. Islam asks parents to teach and educate their children about shari’ah and its orders, so that when grown up they can fulfil the requirements of their duties to the Creator and His creatures. Islam also asks parents to educate children worldly affairs also.
If a woman could not get education at her parents’ home, then Islam asks her husband to make arrangement for her education along with arranging for her mundane life requirements.

Islam gives right to girl to get all details about her groom – his education, family, income etc. – and only if she agrees she can be married to the person. If in some cases, a girl is married before reaching the age of adulthood, then she has right to reject the marriage if she wants to do so.
At marriage, Islam does not put any weight on girls. Mehar is on husband, to earn livelihood is also his duty. According to Islam marriage should be very simple.
Several other rights may be enumerated. However, it would suffice to mention following additional rights to give an idea about the status of

women in Islam
The right to have their own independent property
The right to work to earn money if they need it or want it
Equality of reward for equal deeds
The right to express their opinion and be heard
The right to provisions from the husband for all her needs and more
The right to keep all her own money (she is not responsible to maintain any relations)

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