1. Saying Prayer (Namaaz) five times every day is obligatory for Muslims. One of the obligatory requirements of these prayers is wudu/ablution which, inter alia, comprises:
Washing all exposed parts of the body, thrice;  
Taking water into the nostrils, rubbing the inside by left small finger and pushing the dirty water (carrying all harmful bacteria/viruses, dirt and dust) forcefully out of the nostrils, thrice; and 
Wiping the hair off with watered fist and fingers, once.

2. It is part and parcel of Muslim culture to:
Wash hands properly before every meal; 
‘Muslim Men’ generally cover the hair by skull cap or turban to ensure dirt, dust, bacteria don't go and stay put in the hair and skull; and 
‘Muslim Women’ cover their body with loose, thick, and top-to-toe dress, which shields them from massive harms of “moral health” of the individual and the society apart from the harms of air pollution. Several practicing Muslims women cover their full face (mostly leaving the eyes) in addition to covering the whole body.

3. In addition to the due importance of cleanness from dirt and dust for health and hygiene, one novel, un-usual, and unique thing has been made obligatory and that is "Purity", in Islamic terminology :
"Impurity" ( najaasah) is more specifically and emphatically than dirt and dust, obligatory to be washed out/removed from body and clothes for offering prayers(Namaaz). Urine and faeces of self, other humans or animals, in their minimal quantity come in 'Najaasah' , i. e. 'impure' category,. and Islam does not permit its adherents to carry on with them.

4. Bathing is normally optional in almost all societies and cultures. But Islam makes obligatory, for its adherents, after sexual intercourse/ wet dream to keep their full body washed and cleansed of all dirt, dust, filth, and vile mixed with sweet and humidity, and stuck upon body parts. This "bathing", and there by gaining better health and hygiene has been assured , as only in this prescribed  condition of purity and 'Tahaarah' one can offer Namaaz, as mentioned above.

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