Homosexuality has been here since thousands of years. It finds mention in the Bible and the Qur’Än, where the story of Prophet Lot’s community and the divine punishment meted out to it is narrated.
Epidemiological data suggests that this vice is more common in the wealthy strata of society, for whom social norms are irrelevant; and that it is prevalent in about 2-13 per cent of modern western population.
The arguments raised in support of homosexuality are rather frivolous. Their lives are not their own, contrary to their claim. They forget that it has been granted to them by God and they would be held accountable for it in the Hereafter.
This act is not natural either, as it does not fulfil the basic purpose of sex – propagation of species. “He made for you from yourselves mates… He multiplies you thereby.” [Al-Quran, Surah Ash Shura 42/11]
Crime also comes naturally to some people, but that does not make it legal in any way, does it? Any deviant nature noticed in this regard seems more as a result of environmental or psychological disturbances. When man’s sensual desires don’t get a vent in the natural way, the perverted mind vents it out on whoever he can lay his hands on – be it man, child or animal. Man’s basic nature is to be attracted to woman and vice versa. It is for this reason alone that one partner in a matrimonial union is always masculine and the other feminine.
Homosexuality is pure lust. People who call it an act of love should refrain from defaming the word. The Holy Qur’Än says: “Desire chastity, not lust/ lewdness.” Surah Nisaa 4/24 and Surah Maidah 5/5
The act being consensual also does not vindicate it, because it would still remain unnatural and pollute society. Islam does not differentiate between rape, consensual sex, adultery, fornication, incest, pedophilia, stalking, pre-marital, extra-marital, etc. when it comes to the definition of ‘Zina’. Every sexual encounter outside heterosexual marriage is Zina, and hence prohibited.
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) sys: ‘Lesbianism is adultery between them.’ (Tabrani)
There are some who present the example of western tolerance towards this act. These people better take a look at the sorry state of society in the same western countries, where the very concept of family is getting elusive.
There are some others who argue that others have no right to interfere in their private affairs. This argument is both naïve and rebellious as it pays no attention to the severe repercussions of their ‘private’ act.
The mainstream print and electronic media has acted rather irresponsibly in this regard. Objective journalism has been shown the door and most news reports are now a reflection of the media houses’ own ideologies. This is a betrayal of time-honoured journalistic principles. Also, the double standards employed by the media in covering social issues are quite out in the open now. Using terms like freedom of expression in one case and using terms like moral policing in the other speaks a lot about their bias. There is a huge commercial lobby with vested interests in homosexuality like the pornography industry and the tourism industry. It is a shocking revelation that 10% of the tourism market caters to gays!
The social balance of society gets upset because of this trend. Men and women have some well-defined roles in a society and family. Same sex unions violate these rules. The much venerated family system would be dismantled and we will witness a negative population growth. Society in all would be driven by base desires instead of values and morals. Again, legalising homosexual unions today would open the floodgates for euthanasia, incest and what not!
There is a host of infectious diseases like HPV, Hepatitis B and C, Herpes simplex, gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV/AIDS. AIDS, as a matter of fact, was first detected in San Francisco in homosexual patients. It’s no wonder then that South Africa, where homosexuality enjoys legal status, is home to the largest density of AIDS patients. Physical ailments like haemorrhoids, fissures and anal cancer are also most likely to accompany acts of sodomy. Psychological problems abound in homosexuals. They are patients of reckless sexual behaviour, depression, sadism, etc.
Religious scriptures tell us that a person who practises this heinous act will have to burn forever in hell if he does not repent before he dies. The Holy Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) has also cursed the ones who practise homosexuality. Mass punishments in the form of plague and destruction can also be expected as has already happened in the case of Lot’s community. The arrival and pandemic spread of AIDS can also be counted here in this regard. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) says: “May Allah curse him who does what Lot’s people did.” – IbnHibban (Abdullah ibnMasood, Abu Hurairah)
Counselling and education can help in the long run to root out this social menace. Islam has stressed on early marriages so that the youth can satisfy their sexual desires through legal ways. For those who cannot marry early, regular fasting is prescribed. Islam has also prescribed separating of beds for children aged 9-10 – one separate bed for each boy or girl. Also, people are prohibited from undressing in the presence of others, even if they are members of the same gender. Cross-dressing is also strictly prohibited in Islam.
Islam recommends capital punishment for those convicted of homosexuality so as to cleanse the society and make it pure. The fear of punishment is a strong detriment, and just as it helps prevent other crimes, it is very much needed to pull the reins on this crime as well.
The Holy Qur’Än says: “And the two who commit it (unlawful sexual intercourse) among you, punish them both. But if they repent and correct themselves, leave them alone.” Surah An-Nisa 4/16
The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) says: “Kill the one who sodomises and the one who lets it be done to him.” Tirmizi 6541 and Abu Dawood 4462 (Abdullah ibn Abbas)
Our responsibility in this regard is two-fold. First and foremost, it is essential that we refrain from supporting the gay right movement in any form, as participation in promoting or supporting any vice is akin to perpetuating it. Secondly, it is our duty to pull the plug on this disaster-in-the-making by all the possible means.
The Holy Qur’Än says: “Whoever recommends and helps a good cause becomes a partner therein and whoever recommends and helps an evil cause shares in its burden: And Allah has power over all things.” Surah Nisa 4/85
The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) says: “If you see some wrong, stop it using your hands; if not, using your tongue; if not, at least detest it in your heart and that is the least degree of faith.”